Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Something Beautiful

My 1977 Toyota LandCruiserWhen something is known by close friends as: “The Beast,” some may find it hard to understand why I find this “Thing” beautiful. It’s wasted 3 years and thousands of my hard earned dollars; wreaks of petrol and oil fumes and can be out-dragged by continental drift. However, I re-built this car from the ground up, transforming it from a fully rusted grey work-horse that barely ran, into a vehicle that’s almost passable as a car. I have put so much TLC into it that it’s actually become “Beautiful.” (To me only apparently…)I love how everything about it is so basic and simple; all the instruments are operated by levers and cables; hinges are big bulky and very visible; and turning corners requires you to put your full weight into it. I love The Beast and could never bear to sell it.

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